Osteoarthritis of the knee joint: that, stage, symptoms, and myths about treatment

Osteoarthritis of the knee joint is a complex disease degenerative-degenerative nature that affects the musculoskeletal cartilage separating the knees. The disease most often affects the right knee of the front lower limbs. Pathological changes in the skin and periarticular areas, which are in most cases appear on a background of injury, the biological aging of the organism, autoimmune disorders of character, really annoy musculoskeletal musculoskeletal the potential of the legs. Joint becomes logopedija, loses stability, normal motor and depreciation of skills. Eventually it gradually deformed, and in the last stages of completely fails.

view astroscope on the knee joint with articular arthritis suffering from 3 degree

Degeneration in the articular tissues are manifested not only in the form of a physical dysfunction of the lower extremities, but also the strong painful feelings in them. Severe pathology causing disability, and in some cases – paralysis of the lower limbs. In connection with this disappointing prognosis of the disease is important as soon as you detect it, and immediately proceed to its treatment.

Important about the disease

Patients is important before studying the therapeutic tactics to get acquainted with the following material, to possess in full scope of information concerning the mechanism of the formation and clinical manifestations of pathology. Immediately note that arthrosis and arthritis are closely linked, because it is considered to be the disease is the result of arthritic disease. But from where will appear the unfortunate ills, which mercilessly destroys the essential bone internet? What degree of severity tends to be gonarthrosis and for what manifestations it is possible to recognize?

The causes of arthrosis

Degenerative-degenerative pathological "trigger" the following factors-provocateurs:

Fulness is the cause of the arthrosis
  • once migrated to the injury – fracture of the tibia, dislocation of the knee, the damage to your body of the meniscus, tears and tears the ligaments, fall to the knee, various bruises;
  • excessive physical load;
  • a sedentary lifestyle;
  • high body mass index;
  • systemic pathology for rheumatoid, gouty, psoriatic type, systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • genetically inherited weakness of the ligamentous-muscular system helen of congenital underdevelopment of the structural elements of the completion of the joints;
  • disorders of metabolism and blood flow;
  • hormonal failure, diabetes mellitus and other endocrine pathology;
  • delegated helena of chronic infectious-inflammatory diseases.

Quite often, the people themselves are the culprits that must have developed intractable joint disease. Often by injuries, which ignore the appeal to the expert, you better make the first available drug from pain, a self-made lotions and the like. And a few years later, in consequence made in the past to inadequate treatment, come to the front desk to the doctor already with gonartrózaom, in the best case – moderate severity. And here already one physical prevention and pain medication ointment, as in an early flow, is not enough, the act often already radically the use of surgical tactics.

Phase destruction

In orthopedics this disease divides on the stage, from which later and is repelled by a specialist in the compilation of the scheme of treatment. The degree, character, location, nature of the origin of the destruction of the bone substance in the knee are identified through a variety of diagnostic activities, such as x-ray, MRI, CT, ULTRASOUND, various types of analysis of blood and urine of the patient.

A qualitative treatment and speech cannot be without a seeded information on the condition of the knee joint, and about the characteristics of your patient's body, as well as without a visit to the doctor and obtain appropriate therapeutic recommendations. So, who want to improve the quality of life, do not ignore a visit with an experienced expert, only he is able to tell you, the zdf is it possible to make a qualified conservative helena using yet, if your problem effective will be the only operative intervention.

Pathology has several stages of development, the classification of Kellgren their only four. All are characterize the severity of the morphological changes (presence of osteophytes, reduction in the amount of articular cartilage and its degree of thinning, joint space narrowing, etc.) and clinical symptoms (limitation of flexion/extension, the indicator support skills, character and intensity of pain, etc.).

  • Osteoarthritis of the first stage – this is a disease that is just being born. External signs of light helen miss, congruence, and shape of the joint satisfactory. On x-ray images of helena photos of MRI watching the small marginal osteophytes on the edges of the joint surfaces, on the podsolennom department blurred subchondral osteosclerosis, the smaller the size of the bone cysts. The articular cleft is usually normal helena changed, but not significantly.
  • During the illness of the second degree, in addition to the above indicators, osteosclerotic fireplace is more pronounced, it is clearly seen narrowing of the interarticular joints. The patient will begin to more vigorously and more often to bother pain in time of walking, descent/climb the stairs, debt standing, sometimes in the night. Develops lameness, movement in the joint are gaining inferiority, especially in flexion.
  • The third phase is characterized by a sharp progression of irreversible degeneration and tension. The configuration of the joint significantly distorted, the distance between the articular surfaces markedly reduced, bone growths in the form of spines increased in size. The pain becomes prolonged and excessive, and hurts the person even at rest, the limp is getting worse. Appears to addiction to support the device and help.
  • The fourth stage of the degenerative-degenerative pathogenesis, when they are present the solid osteopenia outgrowths, hyaline cartilage is completely destroyed, the joint space disappears, helena barely visible, the epiphyses of the mating bones which create an articulated arm, the most powerful way deformed. The knee joint is recognized as a fully unsustainable authority of the musculoskeletal system, it becomes a person unemployed.

Symptoms and complaints

The severity of clinical manifestations depends not only on the pathological features, but also on the factors of the personality. In any case, it is a pleasant little in gonarthrosis, to carry, is very heavy and the 2-oh, and the 3-4 articles In the overall list of symptoms include:

the image of the surface of the knee joint
  • painful, essentially, of a mechanical type (dull, gnawing, sharp, sudden, regular, and permanent);
  • the emergence of crunch movements;
  • stiffness of the joint;
  • limitation of range of motion;
  • muscle weakness of the limbs;
  • hyperthermia, skin sheets and swelling in the area of the knee joint;
  • change of gait, is well noticeable limp and mowing of the feet;
  • the instability of the helen syndrome "retractable mailbox";
  • "interference" of the knee, what happens during sudden blockade of the movements of the bone connection.

Important! Conservative treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint will not help if the disease has a complicated time, that I can become in the worst case the second phase of the development of pain of cartilage degeneration. Unlike the traditional conservative therapy and alternative methods, all without exception, operations during a severe gonarthrosis 2-3-4 extent – the only way that the long period of life, helps to significantly improve the quality of life.

Conservative treatment

Bezoperatsionnye treatment appropriate to the initial stage of the deformation of the flow arthrosis. The principle of non-surgical treatment includes:

  • the systematic implementation of the exercise therapy, developed by a professional individually;
  • the implementation of the practice of physiotherapy;
  • the use of pain medication means in the form of ointments, tablets, injections and etc.;
  • proper nutrition and adherence to a special diet prescribed by a doctor;
  • compliance with special regime of daily physical activity;
  • a complete rejection of bad habits;
  • unreserved passage re-scan controls;
  • the annual visit to a specialized spa health facilities.

Surgery when osteoarthritis of the knee joint


Now get acquainted with the surgical methods, which often appears a necessity, because in the initial stage of the pathology often remains unnoticed. Basically, the thing must have already with the articular arthrosis suffer in full "bloom", which generously has gripped the joint of the structure and touched the periarticular mass.

  • Joint – helps more than 95 % of the cases, the maximum extent to restore lost motion and support function of the knee department of the lower limbs. The operation is easy, followed by intensive rehabilitation, but the effect is worth it. Approximately after the expiry of 3 months after the installation of the artificial counterpart of the place of birth completion of joints, exposed non-refundable morbid changes, returns to full amplitude movements of the feet, fully liquidate its painful.
  • Introduzione – uncirculated procedure on the "circuit" the completion of the joints, due to its aggressive action on the biological structures, but sometimes it has to be, for example, when a person has the option to undergo implantation. Its essence lies in the removal of joint surfaces and the fixed connection of the mating bones among themselves special fastening devices in a better position. Over time it becomes natural fusion of those elements. Artificial stiffness completely blocks the mobility of the joint, but allows you to achieve a good support ability of the limb and reduce the painful sensations.
  • Osteotomy of the knee – also used in extreme situations, for the same reason that the arthrodesis, especially in the case where it is necessary to postpone joint replacement for several years. At the time of the operating session, the specialist performs the artificial fractures, podpilivaya bones and insert them under the more correct around the corner, so it is advantageous to distribute the load on the cartilage elements.
doctor about osteoarthritis

Exercise irreversible pathological is no longer correct, you must understand. Ointments and even the preparations of a series chondroprotectors, not to mention your grandmother's plates treated with gelatin, a special role, too, not to play. Maximum, than they can help in a neglected condition, so that to prepare the bone-muscle apparatus is for the upcoming surgery.

Modern knee implants are able to withstand the normal daily load, in perfectly functioning for at least 15 years, as often and 20-25 years. A person can even with the replaced joint to engage in certain sports.

Treatment of 3 degrees

The 3 stages of arthrosis are performing the operation. Changes in the joint have a significantly different character, in this stage of the disease greatly reduces the level and working efficiency of the patient. Musculoskeletal cartilage damage have reached a critical point, at which the tissue of the bone connection no functional importance do not constitute. Hyaline vegetation destroyed almost completely.

  • Important the cartilage is not restored by itself, including through non-surgical methods.
  • Unprotected and flattened the surface of interaction of the bone ends have an unnatural pressure on yourself, constantly rub between each other, serious damage to the surrounding soft tissue and with each passing day deformed even more.
  • The person feels haunted pain, not to mention the loss of ability to walk normally. Patients experiencing everyday flour, and when sleep is not katherine's friends, and in the afternoon from the pain, no rest. A relatively tolerant state of consciousness only a troops of people.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs analgesic, as a rule, have a moderate action, but more often than not "work". In the chondroprotectors makes no sense, because the strengthening and nutrition of the tiny remnants of the cartilage, is not saving the situation.
view astroscope completely healthy surfaces

The consequences of arthrosis of 2-3 degrees sometimes try to treat minimally invasive surgery (in arthroscopy), which can remove the marginal osteophytes and also to extract the detached pain cartilage fragments from the cavity of the joint. Such manipulation, as evidenced by the reviews, several of the facilitate the patient's condition, a bit of improve musculoskeletal system function, but temporarily. Osteoarthritis in the knee joint and remains active, and in the near future to manifest.

Pathological 3-4 degree – it is a very serious problem to decide, which is really just a remake of the more complex reconstructive and plastic operating it. To date no such procedure, which could be compared with the joint. Knee replacement prosthesis, fully repeating the mechanical properties, the configuration of the shapes and sizes of natural authority, give you the opportunity to decide to go as an unfortunate pathology, and disabilities, that you are "awarded".

The disease progresses quickly and is able to get to the medium-high phase of up to 4 degrees after a few months. Surgery should be held as soon as possible, until the degenerative processes, it is not penetrated deep in the bone. Heavily damaged bones can cause discomfort with the approach of the endoprosthesis.

Many, to the end, without realizing that the severity of the occurred degeneration incomparable with conservative and unconventional, by trying all the ways to bypass surgery, ingestion of pills handfuls of imposing of the ointment on the injured guests. Someone turns to the osteopaths, private physicians, an expert on all the possible alternative methods. Unfortunately, against nature not to go, the treatment for them is coming, and with this fact it is necessary to reconcile. So flip the meaningless venture, proceed with caution.

is damaged one part of the joint

Do not exceed your physical value depends entirely on your decision! You can forever continue to suffer from stiffness and pain, vainly testing the "empty" methods of treatment: medication and non-standard devices, which do not have the evidence base of effectiveness in their severity of the disease. And you can go through surgical treatment and start living a full life, break away from past suffering and supporting facilities.

Fear of rapid intervention, there is no need, modern technology stepped far forward, and today abroad brilliantly changing the knee joints durable implants. After this implantation implemented in a good clinic, the risk of complications is minimal (1-2 %), and restore the function of the mobility occurs more than in 95% of cases. After replacing the joint, followed by a rehabilitation course of 3-4 months, which provides:

  • physical rescue through special therapeutic gymnastics;
  • intake of medicines (antibiotics, anti-thrombotic funds, etc.);
  • the program of physiotherapy, including myostimulating, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and wound healing procedures;
  • massage sessions (in later stages of rehabilitation).

It's good to know! On 1 degree of the disease can stop and prevent conservatively. If it is do nothing and run the osteoarthritis of the knee, that he transition from 1 to 2 stage, the treatment medicines, it will be more problematic, but for a certain category of patients is still appropriate non-invasive access. The last two phases – it is always surgery.

Treatment of 2 degrees

When gonarthrosis moderate severity, quality of life is already becoming quite spoiled. Sore knee bothering stronger, painful syndrome manifests itself more often and more intensely you train, than it was at the beginning of the disease. In particular, the expressed pain immediately after the morning awakening, during the climb and descent on the ladder stairs. Often arises a feeling of uncomfortable numbness that appears after a long walking and prolonged standing in one position. Flexion in the knee area is reduced, the patient is unable to bend the leg, as it requires physiology. A person begins to spare his limb, trying to almost no tread on her, because of what is happening to the gradual atrophy of the muscles.

the swimming pool is recommended to all and always

Draw please note that the treatment without exception means a qualified comprehensive approach.

  • If the doctor does not see an acute need in the surgery, paramount assigned to the reduction of the burden on the troubled division. In the presence of excess weight, to ensure good handling affected by arthrosis articulation, it is imperative to clean the weight to your body, keeping a diet which will recommend a doctor.
  • All patients prescribed the use of special orthopedic aids at the time of movement. It, depending on the existing problems, which can be the knee clips, compression garments, elastic bandages, a cane, crutches', walkers.
  • In addition, the orthopedist-trauma prescribe a special set of exercises that will help strengthen and increase the resistance of the muscles of the affected limb.
  • Also osteoarthritis in average, slightly manifesting involves the use of drugs, which include substances present in the cartilage tissue of the knee. To these belong preparations based on chondroitin sulfate, hyaluronic acid injections, medicines with glucosamine. Cannot restore the cartilage, but saturate its nutritious ingredients, which makes it possible to achieve remission of the disease.
  • Recommended and procedures of the physiotherapy treatment, but this is only after she vanishes all signs of inflammation. The physical session, for example, a laser, a magnet helena ultrasound, held in the framework of the health care facilities. Thanks to physical therapy improves the nutrition and metabolism of bone, muscle, cartilage tissue. If you bought a vibroacoustic device for home use, first learn with an expert about the possibility of its use in your diagnosis and the specifics of the operation of the device.

We looked at the basic principles on which is based the official the treatment of arthrosis, compliant orthopedics. Like so many people with osteoarthritis, the 2-oh of the century very interested in alternative methods, seeking in them his salvation, we offer to get acquainted with the most popular of them. And find out on so much, zdf are unique, as it was described to us on the internet.

Stem cells for the treatment of knee

Stem cells for the treatment of knee

The speech will be about autotransplantation mesenchymally stem cells from the patient with gonarthrosis of the knee, taken from the ridge of the iliac helena femur. Cell therapy, as claimed by the participating resources, allow you to achieve almost self-renewal of the whole of the joint at the expense of the strengthening of the regenerative processes of self-healing in the affected segment. Thanks to this technology it is theoretically possible to achieve the improvement of the constituting units of the pain of the cartilage of the body. In practice, however, is not yet even one "live" radiographic evidence confirmed that after the introduction of stem cells into the affected area of the joint to become healthy.

Positive effect of stem cells on the joints and bones is not proven, and under a lot of doubtfully, because this technique in ortho haven't met yet. Scientists only explore and experiment. In addition, there are information relatively dangerous effect on the human body stem cells, which, in the opinion of highly competent professionals, capable of trigger a Oncology. And what about those people who paid for the procedure in this case satisfied with the result? Here you can say only one thing: many patients will believe for that kind of money and in eternal life, but the placebo effect works a long time, do not forget about that too.

Mud treatment

Therapeutic mud springs, which contain some unique elements (magnesium, chromium, iodine, bromine, calcium nitrate, etc.), contribute to the reduction of painful symptomatology, increase blood flow to the diseased area, the stimulation of metabolism. The largest values are for people with mild stage of the disease, or in patients already laparoscopic surgery on the leg. Perform therapy spanking is permissible, and on the 2 level, if the doctor believes that the natural drug in combination with a basic health program will reduce aggression and pathological phenomena (stops the progression) and improves the overall clinical picture. The mud is carried out in special health facilities of the resort-relaxation type. Natural healing mud on the basis of the peloids are applied in the form of applications and in combination with the method of plating (electrophoresis).

The use of gelatin

Gelatin is a good nutritional supplement for maintaining healthy joints

Natural gelatin – safe tool that allows you to maintain joint structure in good condition. Jelly the substrate, dissolved in water, it is recommended to use inside. According to the evaluation of some doctors, the gelatin faster and more meaningful will be the bone, cartilage and muscular-ligamentous elements. Experts point out that this way is not has medicinal properties, it only helps the prevention of arthrosis. Therefore, when it already held the pathogenesis of relationalities in the lack of pathology of helena in the very early stages can be perceived only as a measure of prevention of the emergence of helena progression of the degenerative-degenerative changes. If it is a disease borne of the medium and heavy character, this approach and preventive purposes is not fit.

Ayurveda for joints

Modern alternative and natural medicine is known for many extraordinary trends, between which and treatment Ayurveda different parts of the musculoskeletal system. According to this, the casual swing, the defeat of the joint communicates with the surplus of toxins accumulated in the body due to energy disharmony. Damage mechanism of disturbed energy balance (Wadding) paramount operates the weakening of Agni, or digestive fire, which leads to accumulation in the gut of undigested food residues (AMA). They secrete toxins, which the blood transports to the articulation, where harmful substances are deposited and press processes of metabolism.

According to Ayurveda, osteoarthritis is classified into several types, with for each kind of invented their own system of treatment, the basis of each of them are diet, herbal medicine, reception of ayurvedic tablets and pills, yoga, and breathing gymnastics, non-traditional massage, auto-training for the healing and so forth, Sure, all that sounds tempting, but if it is osteoarthritis cannot be reversed even through scientific technology, it is not possible to believe that the herbal pills, the treatment of ideas and the other by Ayurveda cure permanent deformation?!

Saline compresses

Salt is used for the preparation of saturated salt solution used to impregnate the tiles, which we attach to the diseased site for a few hours. This therapy should not be viewed as a standalone tool, and even more, as a panacea for gonarthrosis. Salt is able to calm down temporarily the pain, relieve the swelling of soft tissues, including skeletal structure, without damaging the biological structures. But it does not cure the disease, and put on the patient's feet! Its effect is purely symptomatic. A solution is prepared from the calculation: per 1 liter room temperature water is used for 100 g of salt.

It is worth to read it! Sometimes salt is used in dry hot form, which are placed in the casing, and is carried out by local warming of the knee. Sometimes as wet, but warm bandages. Hot treatments are dangerous when purulent-inflammatory processes in the joint cavity, are very aggravate the clinical picture. So, do not use such recipes, without being assured that the defeat is not accompanied by a similar process.